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Пользователи из России больше не могут скачивать плагины в Android Studio. При попытке сделать это IDE выводит сообщение о запрете со стороны экспортного контроля. Под запрет попали не только официальные плагины от Google и JetBrains, которая разрабатывает Android Studio, но и от сторонних разработчиков. Например, нельзя установить плагин GdScript, добавляющий поддержку одноимённого языка программирования, и Nyan Progress Bar — косметическое расширение, которое меняет все ползунки загрузки на бегущего кота.
Работающая на базе Solana платформа для создания и запуска NFT DRiP закрыла посевной раунд финансирования. Стартап собрал $8 млн при участии пяти венчурных компаний, пишет The Block. По заявлению разработчиков, проект DRiP позволяет создателями NFT распространять среди поклонников работы в виде цифровых коллекционных предметов. Платформа охватывает мультимедийный контент в виде изображений, видео и аудио. DRiP поддерживает микроплатежи, которые позволяют подписчикам передавать авторам небольшие чаевые. Команда проекта счита

Все новости, где упоминается Progressive

19.04 / 13:44
man ups Progressive Lukashenko reveals details of criminal case against multiple Belarusian medics
Multiple Belarusian orthopedic surgeons have been charged with a number of crimes and have been arrested. The criminal case was discussed during the government conference hosted by Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko on 18 April, BelTA has learned. Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich, Prosecutor General Andrei Shved, and Chairman of the State Security Committee (KGB) Ivan Tertel came to deliver their reports to the head of state. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “I know the progress of this operation very well. I kept an eye on it. It didn't start t
11.04 / 14:06
Telegram Provident Progressive Lukashenko, Putin to meet at Vostochny Cosmodrome on 12 April
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin are set to meet at Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast, Russia on 12 April, BelTA has learned. “The meeting will take place in quite an unexpected place. The presidents of Russia and Belarus will fly to Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast on 12 April, Cosmonautics Day.
06.04 / 15:35
MET Cooper Progressive Andreichenko: Belarus-Switzerland contacts have always been pragmatic, constructive
Relations between Belarus and Switzerland have always been pragmatic and constructive, Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to Belarus Christine Honegger Zolotukhin, BelTA has learned. “In my opinion, relations between our countries have always been pragmatic and constructive regardless of the political situation. It has been particularly noticeable in recent years when our inter-parliamentary, trade, economic, and cultural cooperation made a lot of progress.
28.03 / 13:36
Cooper Progressive Lukashenko congratulates Erdogan on 30th anniversary of Belarus-Turkey diplomatic ties
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has congratulated Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Belarus and Turkey, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. “Thanks to the strong political will, our cooperation has made substantial progress in all areas, primarily in trade, economy and investment,” the message reads. The head of state noted that in toda
21.02 / 14:16
Progressive Putin describes 2021 as ‘very productive year' for Belarus and Russia
For Belarus and Russia, 2021 was a very productive year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Moscow on 18 February, BelTA has learned. «We see each other regularly; there is something to talk about. Since this is the first meeting this year, I would like to say that last year was very productive,» Vladimir Putin stressed. He noted that the meetings of the two leaders are held regul
21.02 / 14:16
Telegram ups Progressive Belarusian police on top of situation in streets, in Internet
Participants of destructive Telegram channels, who believe it is impossible to find out their identity in the Internet, are mistaken. Belarusian Internal Affairs Minister Ivan Kubrakov made the statement on the air of the TV channel STV, BelTA has learned. The official said: “At present the current situation all over the country is fully controlled by personnel of law enforcement agencies. One can confidently say that provocateurs can only make some fake threats online and so on.
21.02 / 14:05
ups Progressive General staffs of Belarusian, Russian armies to work out steps to prevent war
The general staffs of the Belarusian and Russian armies will work out steps to prevent a war in their region. Belarusian Defense Minister, Lieutenant-General Viktor Khrenin made the statement as results of the Belarusian-Russian army exercise Allied Resolve 2022 were summed up on 20 February, BelTA has learned. The defense minister said: “The exercise is over. A test of response forces of the Uni
21.02 / 14:00
MET Cooper Progressive Allied Resolve 2022 hailed as success
The leaders of Belarus and Russia highly assessed the Allied Resolve 2022 exercise, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the media following a meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Moscow on 18 February, BelTA has learned. «We jointly praised the Allied Resolve 2022 exercises, the active phase of which will last in Belarus until 20 February. I must state that the exercise is purely defensive in nature and does not threaten anyone,» Vladimir Putin said. The joint exercise Allied Resolve 2022 is the second phase of the inspection to test the Union State forces held from 10 to 20 February.
19.01 / 19:09
Provident Progressive Agriculture ministry: Belarus is self sufficient in food
The Belarusian market is saturated with food and farm products, Belarusian First Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo told the media in Minsk on 19 January, BelTA has learned. On 1 January, in response to the sanctions, Belarus imposed a food embargo on the states that had taken the unfriendly steps against Belarus. The list of embargoed goods include pigs, beef, pork, a number of byproducts, salted meat, meat in brine, dried or smoked meat, meatmeal tankage, milk and dairy products (with some exceptions), vegetables other than those intended for planting, fruits and nuts, pork fat and poultry fat, cattle, sheep or goat fat, lard stearin and other animal oils, sausages and similar products, confectionery, salt and other goods. When asked whether the Belarusian market will face a shortage of products, Igor Brylo replied: «We are fully stocked with raw materials, I would even say overstocked with them.
17.01 / 14:18
Cooper Enterprise Progressive Ambassador hails Belarus-China relations as steadily developing
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to China Yuri Senko spoke about the development of cooperation between the two countries in an interview to STV channel, BelTA has learned. “Despite the pandemic, our cooperation in education has reached very good results. We have signed about 400 different agreements in education.
06.01 / 13:58
экспорт предприятия СНГ Progressive Из Узбекистана остановлен экспорт яиц. Как это повлияло на фермеров
начал сокращать поголовье птицы, отправив один из инкубационных залов на убой.«В день мы производим 6000 флеек яиц. На сегодняшний день на складе хранится 50 тысяч упаковок яиц. Если умножить на 30, то это 1,5 миллиона яиц. На внутреннем рынке у меня не получается продать», — заявил он.Бахром Иномов добавил, что Узбекистан экспортирует яйца только в Афганистан, поскольку продукция не соответствует требованиям стран СНГ.Глава Sardor Bahrom Zoo заявил, что у него сейчас появились невыполненные обязательства перед партнёром из Афганистана, с которым он заключал контракт на экспорт.
14.12 / 16:55
ups FIVE Progressive Lukashenko vows union of Belarus and Russia will be better than EU
The union of Belarus and Russia will be a more powerful, mature and advanced integration association than the European Union, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in an interview to the Turkish broadcaster TRT on 9 December, BelTA has learned. During the interview, the journalist asked about the prospects for the development of the Union State of Belarus and Russia and asked whether this association will be similar to the European Union. «This union [of Belarus and Russia] will be more advanced and more stable,» the head of state replied.
30.11 / 10:16
выборы общество Progressive Опубликован рейтинг стран с лучшим качеством жизни
Чехия заняла 22-е место в рейтинге социального развития (Social Progress Index 2021), который сравнивает уровень доступности различных социальных благ в 168 странах мира. Исследование ежегодно проводится американской неправительственной организацией Social Progress Imperative при поддержке одного из крупнейших мировых аудиторов Deloitte.
25.11 / 15:36
спорт история Progressive Реал установил рекорд по количеству выходов в плей-офф Лиги Чемпионов подряд
Испанский Реал Мадрид без особых проблем разгромил молдавский Шериф (3:0) в матче пятого тура группового раудна Лиги чемпионов.
20.11 / 10:48
общество Progressive Крупнейший склад вакцин в регионе открылся в Ташкенте
Склад оборудован тремя холодильными камерами площадью почти 1000 кв. м (с температурой +2…+8 градусов Цельсия), ультрахолодными морозильниками ёмкостью 3000 л, морозильными камерами объёмом 40 кубометров для хранения вакцин и имеет сухое хранилище в 1000 кв.
19.11 / 19:35
бизнес бюджет Progressive Шесть советов, как выжить бизнесу в 2022 году
Кризис и периодические введения различных ограничений заставили предпринимателей думать не столько о том, как сохранить прибыль, сколько о выживании. Бизнес-среда характеризуется высокой нестабильностью.
16.11 / 10:12
семья дети и родители Progressive Умерла писательница и сценаристка Ману Бхандари
A deep loss to Indian literature, Hindi novelist Mannu Bhandari is no more. An iconic, progressive thinker and one of the pioneers of the ‘Nayi Kahani’ movement, she wrote about women and showed them in a new light — as strong, independent individuals. #RIP #MannuBhandari
12.11 / 23:08
Progressive Hemp Oils vs CBD Essential oil: Here’s How to Differentiate
In recent times, CBD essential oil is becoming a progressively well-liked organic treatment. Its proponents vouch for its capabilities to ease an array of signs, and people can’t seem to get an ample amount of this non-intoxicating cannabis extract.
29.10 / 10:01
финансирование Психология и отношения Progressive Российский фильм c Юлией Пересильд и Евгением Цыгановым награжден в Кельне
Фильм режиссера Оксаны Бычковой "Джонджоли" (международное рабочее название NINA) был награжден на международном питчинге в рамках European Work in Progress Cologne. Сценарист картины - Любовь Мульменко. Продюсеры - Екатерина Филиппова и Игорь Мишин, сопродюсер - Владимер Качарава. На питчинге показали 13 минут картины. European Work in Progress Cologne - индустриальное мероприятие, ежегодно проходящее в Кельне, Германия. На нем продюсеры и дистрибьюторы представляют отрывки из художественных фильмов на этапе производства с целью получения дополнительного финансирования или разработки стратегии дистрибуции.
11.10 / 23:43
Progressive Такие собирали в Киеве: в Сети показали редчайший универсал на базе Москвича-2141 – пошел в серию на рубеже тысячелетий
Первые опытные образцы "Москвича" выпускались на заводе АЗЛК в 1970-ых годах. Помимо этого, в небольших количествах этот автомобиль выпускал и Киевский авторемонтный завод, сообщает За рулем.
10.10 / 06:09
история общество Progressive Очень редкий Москвич — такие делали в Киеве
Универсал с высокой крышей, созданный на базе 41‑го Москвича, на рубеже тысячелетий выпускал в небольших количествах Киевский авторемонтный завод.
01.10 / 16:29
ups MET Progressive Lukashenko suggests adopting Law on Civil Society
We need a law to define who can be regarded as civil society, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with senior officials of the Belarus President Administration on 1 October, BelTA has learned. “We have discussed this issue more than once.
10.09 / 18:57
ups Aviat Progressive Active phase of Belarusian-Russian army exercise Zapad 2021 in progress
The active phase of the Belarusian-Russian strategic army exercise Zapad 2021 [West 2021] has begun. In accordance with the training schedule the exercise will take place in Belarus and Russia on 10-16 September, BelTA learned from the Zapad 2021 website. The Zapad 2021 military exercise is a scheduled one and represents the final stage in the system of joint training of Belarusian and Russian army units in 2021.
10.09 / 18:57
ups Citizens Progressive Belarus, Russia reconcile joint response to Western sanctions
The relevant arrangement is specified by the joint statement of Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko and Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin on the current progress and further steps on advancing integration processes within the framework of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, BelTA has learned. Roman Golovchenko and Mikhail Mishustin noted that destructive actions, which are taken by a number of Western countries and bodies in contradiction of international law, impede the positive development of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, the strengthening of the national economies, and the accomplishment of social tasks of vital importance for citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
10.09 / 17:58
Cooper Provident Progressive Putin and Lukashenko move to integrate economies of Russia and Belarus
Vladimir Putin and Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko said they had made progress toward integrating the two countries’ economies during a summit on Thursday evening in advance of massive joint military exercises. Speaking late on Thursday, Putin said the two leaders had agreed to coordinate the countries’ macroeconomic policies, institute common tax and customs measures, and harmonise ot
29.08 / 04:46
происшествия история Progressive Якутский фильм «Нуучча» победил в конкурсе East of the West
Картина «Нуучча», снятая якутским режиссером Владимиром Мункуевым, завоевала престижную награду – «Хрустальный Глобус» в конкурсе East of the West. «Нуучча», будучи единственным попавшим в международный фестиваль в Карловых Варах фильмом из России, сразу стал победителем.
27.08 / 13:13
выборы рубль Progressive Открылся прием заказов на Range Rover Velar 2022 модельного года
Jaguar Land Rover в пятницу, 27 августа, объявил о начале приема заказов на Range Rover Velar 2022 модельного года, включая спецверсию Auric Edition.
21.08 / 13:07
финансирование Progressive Победителями пинчинга на ОМКФ стали проекты Марины Степанской и Натальи Ворожбит
Професийная секция Film Industry Office 12-го Одесского международного кинофестиваля и жюри определила победителей конкурсов питчинга и Work in Progress.
09.08 / 21:39
man Progressive Lukashenko: President Volodymyr Zelensky had chance to become peacemaker
President Volodymyr Zelensky had a chance to become a peacemaker in Ukraine and make serious progress in resolving the conflict in Donbass, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the Big Conversation with the President, a meeting with the public, experts and media community in the format of a big press conference in Minsk on 9 August, BelTA has learned. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the former President Petro Poroshenko failed the Minsk accords because he was controlled from the outside. «He didn't implement them.
09.08 / 21:10
ups Parke Progressive Belarus regime steps up ‘purge’ of activists and media
Aleysa Ivanova wakes up each morning wondering when the knock on her door will come. “You understand you can be next. Every day I wake up, I think ‘maybe it’ll be tomorrow, maybe today. Maybe they’ll come for me this evening’,” said Ivanova (not her real name). As a journalist in Belarus, her rep
05.08 / 00:31
Manufacturing Enterprise Progressive Development strategies of Belarusian enterprises to rely on existing realities
It is necessary to rely on the current realities in the course of working out strategies for developing Belarusian enterprises. Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko made the statement as he visited the Belarusian tire manufacturer Belshina, BelTA has learned. The prime minister said: “Back in October we decided it is necessary to work out a Belshina development strategy.
27.07 / 10:38
ups Progressive Lukashenko comments on investigation of genocide of Belarusian people
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Prosecutor General Andrei Shved discussed the topic of investigation of the facts of genocide of the Belarusian people at the meeting held on 26 July, BelTA informs. “I understand that the investigation has just reached the desired scale. More attention should be drawn to
27.07 / 10:38
Extreme Progressive Over 4,200 criminal cases opened in Belarus on extremism, terrorism charges
Over 4,200 criminal cases on charges of extremism and terrorism have been opened in Belarus, BelTA learned from Prosecutor General of Belarus Andrei Shved after the prosecutor delivered his report to the head of state on 26 July. The official said: “As of today over 4,200 criminal cases relating to these antisocial manifestations have been opened. As many as 803 criminal cases against 1,116 people have been sent to courts already, 704 criminal cases against 955 individuals have been processed.” Andrei Shved stressed that Belarusian prosecutors take a principled stand. Taking int
30.06 / 14:38
общество рубль Progressive Фильм якутского режиссера представит Россию на международном кинофестивале
Фильм «Нуучча» якутского режиссера Владимира Мункуева представит Россию на международном кинофестивале в Карловых Варах. Об этом сообщает NewsYkt.
29.06 / 14:32
Cooper Progressive Ryanair ADR Ongoing hybrid war focused on Belarusian economy, defense minister says
The primary assault of the hybrid war that has been launched against Belarus is focused on the country's economy. Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin made the
25.06 / 10:43
закон общество Progressive Южно-корейский Пусан вступил в прямую конкуренцию с Москвой
Вслед за российской заявкой на проведение в Москве Всемирной выставки ЭКСПО-2030, за то же право решила бороться Республика Корея. Как сообщили из Международного бюро выставок (Bureau International des Expositions - BIE), еще одним кандидатом на проведение в 2030 году мировой выставки достижений выдвинут южнокорейский город-порт Пусан.
21.06 / 13:33
Aviat Progressive Ryanair ADR Belarus yet to receive Ryanair aircraft instrumental data, data believed lost
Belarus has not yet received the necessary data from the Ryanair aircraft. It is likely the data has not preserved, BelTA learned from Director of the Aviation Department of the Belarusian Transport and Communications Ministry Artyom Sikorsky. The official said: “We've sent a letter to the president of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the secretary general, and the head of ICAO's investigation team, which is investigating the landing of the Ryanair aircraft in Minsk. The letter dr
18.06 / 17:21
Progressive Russia hopeful constitutional reform will put an end to speculations around Belarus
Russia hopes that the constitutional reform underway in Belarus will put an end to the speculations around Belarus, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov told the media following the talks with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei in Moscow on 18 June, BelTA has learned. «We are grateful to Vladimir
09.06 / 13:54
конфликт Progressive Треть американских избирателей посчитала, что Байден недостаточно поддерживал Израиль в конфликте с ХАМАСом
Опрос, проведенный среди избирателей в США аналитическим центром Data for Progress, показал, что мнение о том, достаточно ли президент Джо Байден поддерживал Израиль в ходе недавней эскалации в секторе Газа, или он мог сделать больше, разделились примерно поровну.
03.06 / 21:11
ups Progressive Ryanair ADR Lukashenko about events around Belarus: Attempt to unsettle situation up to August 2020 level
An attempt is in progress to unsettle the situation in Belarus to the level of August 2020. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he met with President of Russia Vladimir Putin in Sochi on 28 May, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “I will inform you.
03.06 / 02:33
политика Progressive Мексиканский политик пообещала женщинам бесплатное увеличение груди
Модель OnlyFans, баллотирующаяся в палату депутатов Мексики, пообещала избирательницам бесплатное увеличение груди. Об этом рассказал  Росио Пино, известная также под псевдонимом La Grosera, что в переводе с испанского означает "Грубый", стала популярна на родине, благодаря громкими лозунгами своих компаний и неординарным поступкам.
17.05 / 14:35
музыка музыкант Progressive Известные диджеи выступят в рамках Движения пяти инициатив Ташкента
Завершающим этапом каждого дня Движения пяти инициатив Ташкента станут зажигательные вечеринки.