Provident: Последние новости

Частное, публичное облако или выделенный сервер – что выбрать

No modern company can do without hosting. Placing information on the Internet is essential for businesses of all sizes. But how to choose a service that meets the needs of a particular company? There are many offers on the market. Some are focused on speed and adaptability, others on control and independence. Cloud technologies are especially popular nowadays. 60% of business data is stored in them. The market offers clouds in different models: public, private, or hybrid. Dedicated servers are also still in demand.

Private cloud vs Public cloud

Before deciding, it is necessary to understand what service delivery models are and how they differ from each other. It is worth noting that companies often combine the use of different clouds. For example, they store non-confidential data, such as corporate photos or blog posts, in the public cloud, and financial reports in the private cloud.

Открытое облако is the most popular hosting solution on the market. 96% of companies use this type of cloud infrastructure. In this case, the provider manages servers, data storage, as well as hardware and software. It is obliged to keep its finger on the pulse by updating equipment and providing licensed network components. But the name “public cloud” was given for a reason, as it functions on a multi-user basis: one IT infrastructure is used by several independent customers.

The public cloud is not the best solution for storing confidential information. It’s the lack of hardware isolation that makes it so. An important note: do not assume that the provider has any access to your data. Usually, they have no idea where it is, unless they have been provided with separate hardware for it. It’s like living in a high-rise building – different


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