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Following the attacks on the energy infrastructure in March and April, Vodafone decided to double its planned investments in energy independence this year. Based on this decision, the company plans to purchase additional generating capacity and autonomous power supply systems worth UAH 438 million. Total investments in the grid’s energy resilience in 2022-2024 will exceed UAH 674 million.
12 мая журналист Джефф Грабб (Jeff Grubb) опубликовал видео, где рассказал, что студия Sucker Punch работает над новой частью Sly Cooper. Но, вероятно, это далеко не так.

Все новости, где упоминается Cooper

27.12 / 12:19
Cooper Belarus ready to sign agreement on common industrial policy with Russia
The Industry Ministry of Belarus has completed all internal procedures to prepare for the signing of an agreement between the governments of Belarus and the Russian Federation on a common industrial policy, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Industry Ministry. The draft agreement has been approved by the Belarusian government. The Industry Ministry has been authorized to negotiate the draft document.
27.12 / 12:19
MET Cooper Ambassadors of Belarus, Mexico discuss political contacts, economic ties
Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi has met with recently appointed Ambassador of Mexico to the Russian Federation with concurrent accreditation to Belarus Eduardo Villegas Megias, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian diplomatic mission. “The Belarusian ambassador congratulated the Mexican counterpart on his appointment and stated Belarus' intention to strengthen relations with his country in all areas,” the press service said. The parties discussed the ways to intensify political contacts and praised the constructive development of the dialogue through the relevant friendship groups in the parliaments of Belarus and Mexico.
27.12 / 12:19
Cooper Enterprise Kochanova: Belarusian industry is capable of making unique component parts
Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova hosted a meeting to discuss the localization of production of components for motor and bicycle vehicles of Motovelo Plant on 27 December, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian upper house of parliament. Various options for localizing the production of component parts in Belarus were considered using motorcycle and bicycle models as an example. Attending the meeting were members of the government, Minsk authorities, and heads of Belarusian industrial enterprises.
19.12 / 14:37
ups Cooper Provident Lukashenko: Our sovereignty is inviolable, but Belarus will never be Russia's enemy
The sovereignty and independence of Belarus are inviolable. At the same time, Belarus will never turn against Russia, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to review Belarus-Russia cooperation in Minsk, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that after some time has passed since the attempted rebellion in Belarus, it has become obvious that the chosen course for closer cooperation with Russia was right and the measures taken, including the approval of a package of the Union State integration documents, were relevant and well-timed. The head of state noted that none of the Union State programs violates the sovereignty and independence of Belarus and Russia.
19.12 / 14:32
Cooper Extreme Lukashenko: Before sanctions Russians had no idea what Belarus was capable of
Before the sanctions were imposed against Belarus and Russia, the Russians had no idea what the Belarusians were capable of and how high-tech the country was, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to review Belarus-Russia cooperation in Minsk, BelTA has learned. Speaking about the Union State programs, the president stressed that they must be implemented. No program infringes on the sovereignty and independence of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “We must remain strongly committed to our bilateral agreements,” the Belarusian leader said addressing Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko and First Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Snopkov.
12.12 / 12:36
Cooper Lukashenko comments on Russian gas price for Belarus
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the price of the Russian gas and whether it is comfortable for Belarus as he spoke to the media on the sidelines of the EAEU summit in Bishkek what, BelTA has learned. “The question is not about the prices in our countries. The question is about equal opportunities that economic entities should have since we have opted for deep cooperation with Russia (because of the global crisis, wars, pandemic and so on),” said the head of state. He cited an example of greenhouse farming, where energy accounts for a large share of production costs: “If the gas price for you is $60 or $80, and $120 for us at the border, what equal conditions can we talk about here? I will not be able to sell my goods on your market.
12.12 / 12:36
Digital MET Cooper Belarus, Russia to unify civil legislation
The Justice Ministries of Belarus and Russia have outlined activities in lawmaking and IT-based management for the upcoming two years, Belarusian Justice Minister Sergei Khomenko said as he met with his Russian counterpart Konstantin Chuichenko, BelTA has learned. “I would like to mention the work done to implement the decision of the heads of state, our presidents, aimed at the unification of the civil legislation of Belarus and Russia. For the next two years we have
09.12 / 09:56
технологии Cooper Японія передасть Україні першу партію генераторів уже в грудні
У рамках першого етапу допомоги Японія надасть Україні 242 генератори, Частина з них буде доставлена в Україну вже в середині грудня цього року.
07.12 / 08:34
политика досье Cooper ЗАЗ гібрид Skoda та MINI Cooper: українцям показали нову "Таврію"
Якби модель вирішили відродити у такому образі, вона б отримала ще більше прихильників Не дивлячись на те, що "Таврія Нова" вже довгий час не випускається, багато автолюбителів чекають її повернення. Дизайнер Роман Прядко вирішив пофантазувати, як міг би виглядати ЗАЗ в наш час, і намалював кілька цікавих прототипів. Варто нагадати, що "Таврія Нова", як і багато інших автомобілі, провела на конвейєрі досить тривалий час – з 1987 до 2009 року, хоча мала за всі ці роки всього два покоління.
05.12 / 14:33
Booking MET Cooper Lavrov: We will double down on cooperation in Union State, CSTO, EAEU, CIS in memory of Makei
In memory of untimely deceased Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei, we will double down on strengthening the Union State, the CSTO, the EAEU and the CIS, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov said at the Belarusian embassy in Russia, where he left a note in the book of condolences opened in connection with the death of Vladimir Makei on 30 November, BelTA has learned. “The tragic occasion of the visit to the embassy of Belarus is the untimely and completely unexpected death of Vladimir Makei, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, an outstanding diplomat, a statesman, a true patriot of his homeland and a great sincere friend of our country,” said Sergey Lavrov. “We met with him a week ago at the CSTO events in Yerevan. Recalling those meet
05.12 / 14:17
Cooper New details of phone conversation between Lukashenko, Putin revealed
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko talked to President of Russia Vladimir Putin over the phone in the morning on 2 December, BelTA has learned. The heads of state compared notes in anticipation of the forthcoming Eurasian Economic Union summit that will take place in Kyrgyzstan. Aleksandr Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin also discussed the international situation and the situation around Belarus and Russia.
05.12 / 13:51
Cooper Belarus, Russia sign protocol to amend agreement on joint regional security
Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin and Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu signed a protocol on amendments to the agreement on joint regional security, BelTA has learned. Viktor Khrenin and Sergei Shoigu discussed topical issues of bilateral military and military-technical cooperation.
27.11 / 14:08
ups Cooper Lukashenko: Decision to focus on food production in Belarus proves right
The decision to focus on food production in Belarus has proved right, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss the development of the agricultural industry of Gomel Oblast, BelTA has learned. «We constantly talk about the importance of food security and the agricultural sector. Maybe someone has already had enough of it.
27.11 / 13:57
ups Cooper Enterprise Andreichenko: Minsk is ready to cooperate with all African countries
Minsk is ready to cooperate with all African countries open for mutually beneficial dialogue, Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko said in an online meeting with Chairman of the Pan-African Parliament Fortune Charumbira on 25 November, BelTA has learned. “With great pleasure we invite you and the delegation of the Pan-African Parliament to visit Belarus at any time convenient for you. You will learn about our economic potential by visiting industrial and agricultural enterprises, educational institutions and healthcare organizations,” Vladimir Andreichenko said. According to him, the country's priorities include the development of political dialogue and the expansion of trade, economic and humanitarian ties. “Our country has established diplomatic relations with 51 African states. Belarus and its African partners have gone from an annual trade of $158 million in the early 2000s to over $550 million in 2020. Minsk is ready to work with all African countries, which are open for an equal and mutually beneficial dialogue and search for promising cooperation projects,” the speaker said. “In the course of your visit to Belarus we will hold substantial talks on further cooperation, including our interest in getting the observer status in the Pan-African Parliament. Here I would like to inquire about the procedure for obtaining the observer status.” “In order to deve
27.11 / 13:45
Cooper Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei passes away
Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei has died, BelTA informs with reference to press secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Ministry Anatoly Glaz. Vladimir Makei was born in 1958. He graduated from the Mins
25.11 / 19:49
рубль Cooper С 1 декабря в Беларуси вырастут цены на сигареты
Некоторые подорожают сразу на 1,5 рубля.В Беларуси с 1 декабря подорожают некоторые марки сигарет. Об этом сообщает министерство по налогам и сборам.
21.11 / 15:51
Covid-19 Cooper Belarus attends AIPA General Assembly in Cambodia
On 21 November Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Valery Mitskevich took part in the opening ceremony of the 43rd General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, which is underway on 20-25 November, BelTA learned from the press service of the House of Representatives. The National Assembly of Belarus has been participating in the AIPA General Assembly meetings on a regular basis since 2011 as an observer.
21.11 / 15:51
ups Cooper Enterprise Lukashenko reveals major topic in talks with Putin
The talks between the presidents of Belarus and Russia are mainly focused on import substitution projects, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with head of the Udmurt Republic Aleksandr Brechalov in Minsk on 21 November, BelTA has learned. According to him, the two countries are capable of doing a lot if they unite efforts. “We can do a lot. Maybe we are doing it not so fast (although time requires us to increase the speed). I will refer to the talks with the Russian president. The main thing we discuss is that we can do everything, but we need a little time for it. Even today the main thing is not money. Today Russia has a lot of currency. Imports have decreased. Yet, we do not have much time and need to act,” said the head of state.
21.11 / 15:51
Manufacturing MET Cooper Belarus, Association of Chinese Companies discuss cooperation
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to China Yuri Senko met with Deputy Chairperson of the Association of Chinese Companies in Belarus, Chairperson of the China Peaceful Consolidation Association Zhao Qingqiu, BelTA learned from the Belarusian embassy in Beijing. The parties discussed the current state and prospects of bilateral cooperation in manufacturing, trade, tourism, and other sectors and agreed to maintain interaction between the embassy and the association on the issues of mutual interest for Belarus and China.
21.11 / 15:51
Cooper Provident Lukashenko: Belarus will remain a close friend and reliable partner for Kazakhstan
Belarus will remain a close friend and reliable partner for Kazakhstan, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in his message of greetings to congratulate Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on his victory at the presidential election, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. Earlier, on 21 November, the two leaders had a telephone conversation during which the Belarusian president personally congratulated his counterpart on his victory in the election.
21.11 / 15:51
target Cooper Enterprise Lukashenko speaks about results to aim for in agriculture
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko spokes about the targets to aim for in harvest as he honored best agricultural workers in a ceremony in Minsk on 18 November, BelTA has learned. The president noted that this year Belarus had a record high harvest of more than 10.5 million tonnes of grain. «This is almost one and a half million more than last year,» he said. First of all, Aleksandr Lukashenko congratulated the leaders: Minsk Oblast, Grodno Oblast, Brest Oblast.
16.11 / 20:13
BMW Cooper До 20.000 шекелей: в Израиле резко подорожали Mazda, Ford, Mini и BMW
Автомобильный импортер «Делек моторс» сообщил в среду, 16 ноября, о повышении цен на поставляемые в Израиль Mazda, Ford, Mini и BMW. Диапазон подорожания составит 3000-20.000 шекелей.
14.11 / 14:26
Covid-19 Cooper Parke Belarus-China cooperation to fight COVID-19 viewed as exemplary
Cooperation between Belarus and China in the fight against the coronavirus can be named exemplary, Belarusian Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich said ahead of a ceremony to sign documents on the transfer of humanitarian cargo — two million doses of vaccine against COVID-19 — from China to Belarus on 14 November, BelTA has learned. “The character of both individuals and entire countries is especially well demonstrated in a critical situation. The cooperation between Belarus and China in the fight against coronavirus can rightfully be called exemplary,” said Dmitry Pinevich.
08.11 / 20:06
технологии мода и стиль Cooper Кроссовер Mini Countryman ALL4 получил новое исполнение
Полноприводный гибридный кроссовер Mini Countryman ALL4 в «заряженной» модификации Cooper SE получил новое исполнение под названием Untamed Edition.
07.11 / 14:37
Cooper Belarus' MPs comment on European Parliament's hearings on Belarus
The Presidium of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus has adopted a statement in connection with the parliamentary hearings on Belarus in the European Parliament, BelTA learned from the press service of the upper house of parliament. “The Presidium of the Council of the Republic was filled with indignation at the hearings on Belarus in the European Parliament on 19 October 2022, which became another demonstration of disregard for the Republic of Belarus and an attempt to deliberately discredit the policy of our country.
31.10 / 14:16
Cooper Belarus, Turkiye develop all-round cooperation
Belarus and Turkiye are developing cooperation in a wide range of areas, Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Shestakov said as he spoke at an event in Minsk on 28 October to mark the 99th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Turkiye, BelTA has learned. “The modern world is facing great challenges, and the success in confronting them determines the ability of the states to preserve their sovereignty and independence.
31.10 / 14:16
MET Cooper Enterprise Lukashenko: Belarus' economy recovering, but not yet out of the woods
The economy of Belarus is showing signs of recovery, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko to receive his report on 31 October, BelTA has learned. Attending the meeting were also First Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Snopkov, Chairman of the State Control Committee Vasily Gerasimov and Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee Inna Medvedeva. “Let us consider a number of issues.
25.10 / 18:52
Cooper FIVE Belarus pushes for Eurasian Economic Union's stronger technological sovereignty
It is necessary to work on strengthening the technological sovereignty of the Eurasian Economic Union. Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko made the statement during an expanded session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Yerevan, Armenia on 21 October, BelTA has learned. Roman Golovchenko said: “Now it is very important to fill with concrete meaning the tasks, which were formulated when the [Eurasian Economic Union] Treaty was signed, such as economic integration. It is not limited to customs and tariffs and access to markets.
20.10 / 22:28
президент Cooper Байден отреагировал на отставку Трасс
Лиз Трасс.Об этом президент США Джо Байден заявил в Twitter 20 октября.I thank Prime Minister Liz Truss for her partnership on a range of issues including holding Russia accountable for its war against Ukraine.We will continue our close cooperation with the U.K. government as we work together to meet the global challenges our nations face.«Я благодарю премьер-министра Лиз Трасс за ее партнерство по целому ряду вопросов, включая привлечение России к ответственности за ее войну против Украины.
18.10 / 20:31
ups Cooper Belarus, UAE seek to expand trade, investment cooperation
Representatives of the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry led by Deputy Minister Vadim Shagoiko held videoconference talks with representatives of the United Arab Emirates to discuss ways to expand trade and investment cooperation between the countries, BelTA learned from the ministry. Presentations were made by Rogachev Milk Canning Factory, Kalinkovichi Dairy Factory and Mozyr Dairy Products.
18.10 / 20:31
ups Cooper Lukashenko describes Ukraine's statement on NATO “membership” as wishful thinking
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko was asked by Russian journalists to comment on Ukraine's official statement that Ukraine is already de facto a NATO member, BelTA has learned. “We don't really care. It is more of wishful thinking. Actually this do
18.10 / 13:46
Cooper Enterprise Belinterexpo director speaks about Belarus' trade with Asian countries
Director of Belinterexpo of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BelCCI) Natalia Kurash spoke about Belarus' trade with the countries of Asia in an interview to Belarus 1 TV Channel, BelTA has learned. According to her, the Chinese market is very friendly for Belarus. “The epidemiological situation led to a short pause in the exhibition work, but we are now resuming it.
17.10 / 07:38
СМИ Дом и интерьер Cooper Возвращение домой: все бензиновые MINI Cooper будут производиться в Великобритании
Новый MINI Cooper Convertible с бензиновым двигателем будет производиться в Великобритании, тогда как версия «на батарейках» — в Китае. Кроме того будут отличаться и платформы обеих версий.
15.10 / 09:27
общество обыск Евросоюз Cooper Раскрыта преступная группировка, укравшая сотни машин с помощью мошеннического программного обеспечения
European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Евроюст), в ходе скоординированных действий, проведенных в трех странах, были арестованы шестнадцать подозреваемых и проведены обыски в двадцати двух местах.Предполагается, что подозреваемые разработали и использовали мошенническое программное обеспечение для кражи автомобилей путем дублирования ключей зажигания авто. Мошенники постоянно обновляли и адаптировали свое программное обеспечение, чтобы противодействовать мерам, принимаемым компаниями для усиления безопасности своих автомобилей.В ходе крупномасштабной операции, инициированной Евроюстом, 10 октября, во Франции были арестованы 16 подозреваемых, в том числе менеджеры компании, производившей программное обеспечение.
10.10 / 20:45
Cooper Lukashenko to visit Tajikistan, Kazakhstan on 11-14 October
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko will visit foreign countries on 11-14 October, the press service of the Belarusian leader told BelTA. An official visit to Tajikistan will take place on 11-12 October. In Dushanbe Aleksandr Lukashenko will have private negotiations with Tajikistan President Emomali
06.10 / 18:35
Amazon Cooper Полный список машин Need or Speed Unbound
EA представила Need for Speed Unbound и сразу же опубликовала полный список из 144 автомобилей, которые будут доступны в гонке в момент релиза 2 декабря. Традиционно издатель уже подтвердил, что список будет расширяться, но это случится позже.
05.10 / 17:57
общество пресс-служба правительство Cooper Украина ожидает финпомощи от правительственного фонда Южной Кореи — Минэкономики
Украина и Южная Корея достигли прогресса в подготовке к подписанию соглашения между правительствами двух стран по финансовой поддержке со стороны Фонда сотрудничества по экономическому развитию (Economic Development Cooperation Fund/EDCF). Об этом пресс-служба Минэкономики Украины.
03.10 / 13:56
ups Cooper FIVE Key areas for cooperation in EAEU outlined
Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Mikhail Myasnikovich named the key areas for the development of cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in an interview to the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. “We clearly understand that the unfriendly steps taken by the West against the Russian Federation and Belarus will not end today or tomorrow. We must take this into account and continue to build up our work under the prevailing conditions. We have many reserves that we must use without fail.
03.10 / 13:56
Cooper Parke Priorities of Belarus-China cooperation in 2023 identified
Priorities in work with China in 2023 have been identified. Belarusian Economy Minister Aleksandr Chervyakov made the statement during the online meeting held on 29 September on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary since the foundation of the People's Republic of China, BelTA has learned. According to the Economy Ministry press service, the event was organized by the Chinese embassy in Belarus. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong, top officials of government agencies, members of the parliament, representatives of Belarusian public associations, the administration of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone, and other organizations delivered welcome addresses during the online meeting. The Belarusian economy minister was
03.10 / 13:56
MET Cooper Belarus seeks to expand trade, economic cooperation with Azerbaijan
Belarus is interested in expanding trade and economic cooperation with Azerbaijan, Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan to Belarus Ulvi Bakhshaliyev, BelTA has learned. “Despite new geopolitical challenges, many partners may envy the dynamics of our interaction. Contacts continue at high and highest levels, including within international organizations and integration formats. This year the Belarusian prime minister paid a visit to Azerbaijan.
03.10 / 13:36
Cooper Belarus extracts 1.5 times more peat in 2022
Belarus has extracted 1.5 times more peat in 2022, Deputy Energy Minister Denis Moroz said in an interview to the STV channel, BelTA informs. “This year 2.4 million tonnes of peat has been extracted. This is quite a big figure, which is almost 1.5 times higher than last year. At the moment more than 600,000 tonnes of peat briquettes have been produced, which can also be used for heating,” said Denis Moroz.
20.09 / 13:01
Sony Cooper Ball В PS Plus Extra и Deluxe добавили 14 новых игр
Сегодня Sony пополнила каталог для подписчиков PS Plus Extra и Deluxe. Начиная с сегодняшнего дня в новом PS Plus станет на 14 игр больше.
19.09 / 13:36
AMD Cooper Belarus, China establish relations of all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership
The Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China have established relations of all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership. The corresponding Joint Declaration was adopted in Samarkand, BelTA reports.
19.09 / 13:36
pool Cooper Belarus, China sign massive package of documents
Belarus and China have signed a massive package of bilateral cooperation documents, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The source pointed out that Belarus and China had timed the signing of a number of bilateral documents to the meeting of Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko and China President Xi Jinping in Samarkand.
19.09 / 13:14
MET Cooper Lukashenko: Time for Belarus to become a full member of ‘the Shanghai family'
It is time for Belarus to become a full member of “the Shanghai family”. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he met with Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Zhang Ming in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on 15 September, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that Belarus has been cooperating with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for 12 years already.
06.09 / 12:29
технологии Cooper В ЄС можуть переглянути ціноутворення на ринку електроенергії «на добу наперед»
Агентство з питань співробітництва енергетичних регуляторів (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators - ACER) закликає ЄС переглянути методологію ціноутворення на ринку "на добу наперед" через високі ціни на європейських ринках.
05.09 / 14:06
ups Cooper Enterprise Prospects for Belarus' exports of goods, services to Türkiye outlined
The National Center for Marketing outlined the prospects for promoting Belarusian goods and services in Türkiye, BelTA has learned. «Türkiye is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. The key sectors of the economy are the service sector (34%), industry (22%), trade (16%), transport (11%), construction (10%), agriculture (7%).
05.09 / 14:06
Cooper Belarus, Uzbekistan discuss mutual supplies, removal of trade barriers
Belarus and Uzbekistan discussed ways to increase mutual supplies and remove trade barriers, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian food industry Belgospishcheprom concern. A meeting with Kamoliddin Hasanov, trade and economic advisor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Belarus took place at Belgospishcheprom.
31.08 / 19:06
Sony Cooper Ball Полный список бесплатных игр PS Plus на сентябрь 2022 года
Sony раскрыла полный список бесплатных игр для подписчиков PS Plus на сентябрь. Всего раздадут аж 17 тайтлов на всех уровнях сервиса.
22.08 / 15:06
Toyota Cooper ФСБ Росії назвала ім'я "вбивці" Дарії Дугіної
ФСБ Росії заявила про "розкриття" вбивства пропагандистки Дарії Дугіної у Підмосков'ї. Вони стверджують, що виконавиця вбивства Дугіної - громадянка України, яка зникла після підриву її машини в Естонії. Про це повідомляють російські ЗМІ, передає Час Пік.
22.08 / 14:42
спецслужбы Cooper ФСБ заявила про розкриття вбивства Дугіної: нібито на замовлення українських спецслужб
Вона прибула до Росії 23 липня разом із донькою Софією Шабан та винайняла квартиру в будинку, в якому жила Дугіна. Для стеження за дівчиною використовувався Mini Cooper.
18.08 / 20:26
общество политика Cooper МИД РФ пригрозил странам ОДКБ
РИА Новости, заявил в четверг заместитель директора департамента и печати МИД РФ Иван Нечаев.У государств блока, куда помимо России, входят Беларусь, Казахстан, Армения, Таджикистан и Кыргызстан, есть обязательства, закрепленные в действующих соглашениях, напомнил Нечаев на ежедневном брифинге. Он добавил, что контакты со странами, которые Москва объявила «недружественными», не должны противоречить этим обязательствам.Нечаев не уточнил, кому именно адресовано предупреждение, однако на свой счет его могли бы воспринять как минимум половина членов ОДКБ.Таджикистан, Казахстан и Кыргызстан 10 августа начали совместные с США учения Regional Cooperation, в ходе которых планируется отработать борьбу с международным терроризмом, распространением оружия массового уничтожения, миротворческие миссии регионального уровня, а также противодействие наркотрафику.
09.08 / 14:42
банк Cooper США нададуть Україні $4,5 млрд: куди спрямують кошти
Сполучені Штати Америки нададуть Україні 4,5 млрд доларів. Відповідну грантову угоду підписали міністр фінансів Сергій Марченко та регіональний директор Світового банку у справах Східної Європи (Білорусь, Молдова та Україна) Аруп Банерджі.
08.08 / 13:44
Covid-19 Cooper Gomel Oblast, Cuba discuss cooperation prospects
Cooperation prospects in healthcare and mechanical engineering between Gomel Oblast and Cuba have been discussed at the meeting of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Cuba to Belarus Santiago Perez Benitez with Gomel Oblast Deputy Governor Andrei Konyushko, BelTA informs. According to the diplomat, people in Cuba know about Gomel and they think highly of Belarus' achievements in the agricultural sector, both in production of farm products and in mechanical engineering. He noted that Cuba has been developing its own vaccines for more than 30 years. Now the development of COVID-19 vaccines is particularly relevant.
08.08 / 13:44
Cooper Belarus calls on UN for more efforts to remove obstacles in shipping fertilizers
Belarus insists on eliminating restrictions on the supply of potash fertilizers and putting this issue on the agenda of international structures that are making efforts to prevent a global food crisis, Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yuri Ambrazevich told the media, BelTA has learned. The question addressed for the deputy minister of foreign affairs was related to the recent comments of UNCTAD Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan at a press conference in New York on the efforts made by the UN to eliminate obstacles to food and fertilizer supplies from Russia. Specifically, she said that the
01.08 / 13:58
ups Cooper Lukashenko: Belarus' sovereignty and independence are beyond question
The sovereignty and independence of Belarus are a constant, not up for any discussion, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he announced new appointments in Minsk on 1 August, BelTA has learned. «The main thing is economy.
01.08 / 13:58
ups Cooper New opportunities in Belarus-China cooperation discussed in Minsk
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko held a working meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to China Yuri Senko in Minsk on 1 August, BelTA has learned. «You have worked long enough in China to get some impression of what this empire is and to identify some additional opportunities for us in the People's Republic of China,» Aleksandr Lukashenko said. According to the president, special attention should be paid to trade and economic cooperation between the two countries and also to credit and financial interaction.
16.07 / 16:29
закон Cooper Тираж Ghost of Tsushima почти достиг 10 млн копий
Создатели Ghost of Tsushima в честь скорого двухлетия игры поблагодарили фанатов и представили статистику самурайского экшена. Из неё стало известно, что продажи приближаются к 10 млн копий.
04.07 / 13:47
ups Cooper Enterprise Putin: Union State is an example of mutually beneficial, equal integration
The Union State is an example of a truly mutually beneficial and equal integration, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his video address to the participants of the plenary session of the 9th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia in Grodno on 1 July, BelTA has learned. “We have reached a truly exemplary
04.07 / 13:41
Cooper Provident Parke Great Stone industrial park, International Land Port of Gansu sign cooperation agreement
The administrations of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone and the International Land Port of Gansu (Lanzhou) have signed a cooperation agreement, BelTA learned from the press service of the park. The document provides for cooperation in import/export operations, foreign and domestic trade, and logistics.