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Страна: Белоруссия
Адрес: udf.by

Все новости дня

05.12 / 16:05
экономика президент общество политика протестующие Политолог: Слабая позиция Лукашенко будет проявляться даже в кругу близких автократов
Политолог Димаш Альжанов — о том, как изменился Казахстан после протестов января 2022 года.
05.12 / 08:00
общество политика насилие протестующие начальник Лично угрожал Колесниковой. 5 фактов о Казакевиче, который стал цепным псом Лукашенко
За что руководитель Беларуси повысил милиционера до генерала.Геннадий Казакевич в эфире ОНТ не только прокомментировал задержания руководства «Бабушкиной крынки» и Березовского мясоконсервного комбината, но и рассказал, что на прошлой неделе по делу Координационного совета было проведено более 130 обысков и 145 наложений ареста на имущество у членов КС. Замглавы МВД также упрекнул Сергея Чалого за якобы оставленный им беспорядок в квартире, а Павла Латушко — за то, что тот на воротах дома выбил свои инициалы («Решил, что он будет барином»).UDF рассказывает, кто такой Геннадий Казакевич и как он стал одним из цепных псов Лукашенко в отношении оппозиционеров.
04.12 / 12:29
ups Cooper Enterprise Belarusian ambassador comments on effort to restore bilateral trade with Venezuela
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Venezuela Andrei Molchan spoke about the effort to restore bilateral trade on the air of the ONT TV channel on 3 December, BelTA has learned. According to Ambassador Andrei Molchan, a significant infrastructure of Belarusian industrial, machine-building, and agricultural potential has been built in Venezuela. The leaders of the two countries came to an understanding that Venezuela needs many of Belarusian developments, but the northern neighbor of Venezuela was not delighted with the fact that Hugo Chavez, and then Nicolas Maduro, pursued an independent, sovereign policy.
04.12 / 12:29
Cooper Xi Jinping: China is ready to strengthen strategic cooperation with Belarus
China is ready, together with Belarusian partners, to strengthen strategic cooperation in the name of building a community with a shared future for mankind, Chinese President Xi Jinping said during the talks with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Beijing on 4 December, BelTA has learned. «My great friend, I am very glad to see you again. As part of your state visit to China in late February and early March of this year, we reached important agreements in favor of the dynamic development of Chinese-Belarusian relations.
04.12 / 12:29
Progressive Lukashenko: Belarus supports China's idea of building community with shared future for mankind
Belarus supports the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind put forward earlier by the Chinese leader, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, BelTA has learned. «You just mentioned the Belt and Road. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that the Belt and Road Initiative is, as you said, no longer a concept today.
04.12 / 12:29
ups Lukashenko slams conflicts, wars at climate change summit in Dubai
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made a few harsh remarks about conflicts and wars and about their initiators during the 28th conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Dubai, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “All the speakers, particularly those, who spoke here first, expressed concern about sources of funding. Come on! Even reporters, who are here, can tell you where you can find money.
04.12 / 12:29
ups MET Cooper Lukashenko: All key cooperation agreements with China should be converted into projects
All major cooperation agreements with China should be converted into specific projects, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at Peking University as he met with Hao Ping, Secretary of the CPC Peking University Committee, Chair of the Peking University Council, Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, BelTA has learned. “The president [of China] and I are long-standing friends.
04.12 / 12:29
MET Cooper Provident Xi Jinping: China opposes interference of external forces into Belarus' internal affairs
Beijing firmly supports the development path of Belarus and opposes the interference of external forces in the internal affairs of the country, Chinese President Xi Jinping said as he met with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Beijing on 4 December, China Central Television reports. The Chinese leader recalled Aleksandr Lukashenko's successful state visit to China from 28 February to 2 March 2023. “We have reached an important consensus in promoting high-level bilateral relations.
04.12 / 11:38
Manufacturing Lukashenko at talks with Xi: Belarus is a reliable partner for China
Belarus has always been a reliable partner for China and will remain so, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, BelTA has learned. «I am glad to have this opportunity and discuss topical issues of cooperation with you in a friendly atmosphere and express our points of view on various problems of international relations, as it has always been the case between us. The development of comprehensive and all-weather strategic cooperation between Belarus and China is determined by the similarity of our ideologies and the very logic of international events and processes that are taking place today,» Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “Our meeting on 1 March [2023] was in many ways pivotal and set the momentum for the whole year. Since March, more than 120 mutual visits have been carried out. Those are various visits. What is most pleasing is that the visits are related to cooperation in the manufacturing sector, trade and economy."
04.12 / 11:38
MET Cooper Extreme Belarus extremely interested in cooperation with African Union
Belarus is extremely interested in cooperation with the African Union. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko mentioned it as he met with President of the Union of the Comoros, Chairperson of the African Union Azali Assoumani on the sidelines of the 28th conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Dubai, BelTA has learned.
04.12 / 11:38
общество самит Здоровье и красота мода и стиль Дом и интерьер Материалы, с которыми ремонт станет проще
Гардеробная комната – это не просто место для хранения одежды и обуви, но и возможность упорядочить свой гардероб и сэкономить пространство в квартире или доме.
04.12 / 11:38
Cooper Progressive Vice premiers of Belarus, China in talks in Beijing
The economic program of the Belarus-China talks in Beijing continues. The negotiations between the leaders of the two countries, Aleksandr Lukashenko and Xi Jinping, were followed by a meeting at the level of deputy prime ministers, BelTA reports. Aleksandr Lukashenko suggested such a meeting during the negotiations with Xi Jinping.
04.12 / 11:38
Continental Manufacturing ups Digital Belarus to increase export to Africa by at least 2.5 times in 2024
Belarus intends to increase export to African countries by at least 2.5 times in 2024. Belarusian Deputy Economy Minister Andrei Kartun made the relevant statement on the air of the TV channel Belarus One, BelTA has learned. Andrei Kartun said: “The key task for Belarusian exporters is new geography, new routes, new quality.
04.12 / 11:38
Cooper Provident Belarus unanimously elected to UNIDO Industrial Development Board in Vienna
Belarus was unanimously elected to the UNIDO Industrial Development Board for the fifth time during the plenary session of the General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Vienna on 1 December, BelTA learned from the Belarusian foreign mission in Austria. UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
04.12 / 07:23
происшествия закон эвакуация инвалидность заключенный Экс-политзаключенного айтишника эвакуировали из Беларуси
Экс-политзаключенный из Гродно Алексей Головкин, имеющий II группу инвалидности, эвакуирован из Беларуси, сообщила также бывшая политзаключенная журналистка Ольга Класковская. Еще во время заключения на него завели новое уголовное дело по прежним статьям, в августе он вышел на свободу.
03.12 / 18:04
происшествия общество ПВО политика взрывы Российский Краснодар атаковали ракетами
В Краснодаре (РФ) вечером 2 декабря россияне слышали взрывы и видели вспышки в небе. Власти заявили, что противовоздушная оборона сбила ракеты над Азовским морем – это якобы были украинские зенитные С-200, переделанные для ударов по наземным целям.